Suprematism is an art movement that emerged in the early 20th century, founded by the Russian artist Kazimir Malevich in 1913. It focuses on basic geometric forms, such as circles, squares, and rectangles, painted in a limited range of colors. The term "Suprematism" refers to the supremacy of pure artistic feeling over the visual depiction of objects.
Malevich's Suprematism was a radical departure from traditional art forms, emphasizing the importance of feeling and perception rather than representing the physical world. This movement was part of the broader Russian avant-garde and was influenced by Cubism and Futurism. Suprematist works often feature bold, abstract compositions that convey a sense of movement and dynamism.
One of the most famous works of Suprematism is Malevich's "Black Square" (1915), which epitomizes the movement's focus on pure abstraction and the reduction of art to its most fundamental elements. Suprematism had a significant impact on later art movements, including Constructivism and De Stijl.
Suprematism, an artistic movement founded by Kazimir Malevich in the early 20th century, represents a significant and revolutionary departure from traditional forms of art. Here are a few key points to consider regarding Suprematism as an art form:
### 1. **Philosophical Foundations:**
- Suprematism emphasizes the supremacy of pure artistic feeling over the depiction of objects. Malevich believed that through abstraction, artists could move away from the representational constraints of reality and express deeper, universal truths.
- The movement is rooted in a desire to transcend materialism, focusing instead on the spiritual and metaphysical aspects of art.
### 2. **Visual Language:**
- Key characteristics of Suprematism include geometric shapes, especially squares and rectangles, and a limited color palette. These eleme…
Der Suprematismus hat als Kunstform die Zeiten überlebt.
Der Suprematismus ist eine avantgardistische Kunstbewegung, die in den frühen 1910er Jahren von dem russischen Künstler Kasimir Malewitsch begründet wurde. Die Bewegung strebt danach, die Malerei von gegenständlichen Darstellungen zu befreien und sich auf die grundlegenden Elemente der Form und Farbe zu konzentrieren. Hier sind einige zentrale Aspekte des Suprematismus:
1. **Grundprinzipien**: Der Suprematismus setzt auf die Idee, dass eine rein geometrische Form (wie Rechtecke, Kreise und Linien) und reine Farben (wie Schwarz, Weiß, Rot, Blau und Gelb) eine universelle, nicht-repräsentative Sprache der Kunst schaffen können. Malewitsch glaubte, dass diese Reduktion auf Essenz und emotionalen Ausdruck eine „supreme“ (überlegene) Realität vermitteln kann.
2. **Das „Schwarze Quadrat“**: Eines der bekanntesten Werke Malewitschs ist das „Schwarze Quadrat“ von 1915. Es gilt als…